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Meteorological Data Status at NOAA ARL

Current date time (UTC): Fri Jul 5 06:25:50 UTC 2024

When appropriate, updates on the status of our server will be sent to the READY Status page at /READYstatus.php.

GREEN background indicates available data,
RED indicates file currently being updated.

DatasetResolutionUpdate IntervalDate of first record in latest file (UTC)
HRRR 31 04 05 July 2024
HRRRP 31 04 05 July 2024
NAM Pressure 126 00 05 July 2024
NAMS Hybrid CONUS 46 01 05 July 2024
NAMS Hybrid 126 00 05 July 2024
NAMS Alaska 126 00 05 July 2024
NAMS Hawaii 26 00 05 July 2024
NAMS Fire Weather 16 01 05 July 2024
GFS0P25 286 00 05 July 2024
GFS 1116 00 05 July 2024
GFSlr 1116 00 15 July 2024

The table above lists the date of the initial record in each model forecast currently available in the READY website. You will need to refresh this screen to update it.

For more information on the forecast datasets go to the forecast metdata webpage.