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Air Resources Laboratory web site National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

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*                         LDM STATUS                          *
*                                                             *
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*    The Local Data Manager (LDM) software from Unidata is    *
*    used to capture, manage and distribute NWS Family of     *
*    Services data.  If the date of the last received product *
*    show below is not current, then a problem has developed  *
*    in the flow of information.  Products in this page may   *
*    be outdated.                                             *
*                                                             *
*    ------------------------------------------------------   *
*    The current date is: Fri Jul  5 06:03:01 UTC 2024
*    ------------------------------------------------------   *
*                                                             *
* The last product received and processed by the LDM was on:  *
*                                                             *

*    Jul 05 06:02Z for product: ASAK48PAFC050602

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