- For multiple meteorology grids, computations use only one grid per time step
- For multiple concentration grids, particles contribute mass to all grids
- Finer grids need more particles; shorter run duration requires fewer particles
captex_control.txt |    load control file |
captex_setup.txt |    load setup file |
Set concentration grid to 0.05

Reduce reduce run time to 25h (or 43 | 68 if time available)

numpar = 10000 |    namelist particle release number |

42.0 -82.5 |    map center |
0.05 0.05 |    grid resolution |
5.0 5.0 |    grid span |
hysplit2FG.bin |    output file |
26 06 |    stop day hour |

hysplit2FG.bin |    input file |
concplotFG |    output file |
4 50 |    number rings, distance |
39.90 -84.22 |    map center |

Concentration output from the original 0.25 grid
