Previous 3D Particle Simulation

Optimized Simulation for Aircraft Data
- Finer concentration grid at aircraft sampling level defined in m MSL
- Use horizontal Gaussian particle model for smoother looking results
- Reduced averaging time to more closely match 6 min aircraft collection
- What happens to the tracer release height when units equal MSL?

0.25 to 0.05 |    concentration grid resolution |

initd = 4 |    namelist top-hat-horizontal particle-vertical |
numpar = 5000 |    namelist particle release number |

initd = 3 |    namelist Gaussian-horizontal particle-vertical |

kmsl = 1 |    namelist for MSL |
11 |    run time |
2 |    number of layers |
800 1000 |    concentration layer |
00 01 00 |    averaging time |

conc_case_control.txt |    save control file |
conc_case_setup.txt |    save setup file |