- Total mass / number of particles released = mass per particle
- Particle mass contributing to a grid cell is summed over the "sampling" period
- A particle is a computational particle, it may represent a gas or particle
- One computational particle represents many billions of pollutant molecules (Avogadro's # 6x1023)
- Mass of input units = output units: for example g/h to g/m3
- Units only matter when doing mass to volume conversions

83 09 25 17 |    start time |
39.90 -84.22 10.0 |    start location |
68 |    run duration |
captex2_wrf27uw.bin |    meteorology file |

PMCH |    pollutant |
67000 |    release rate |
3.0 |    duration |

42.0 -78.0 |    grid center |
0.25 0.25 |    grid spacing |
15.0 25.0 |    span |
hysplit2.bin |    output file |
100 |    layer depth |
83 09 25 18 00 |    sample start |
83 09 28 15 00 |    sample stop |
00 03 00 |    three hour averages |

numpar = 50000 |    namelist particle release number |
maxpar = 100000 |    namelist particle release maximum |

ndump = 1 |    namelist particle output start |
ncycl = 3 |    namelist particle output interval |

captex_control.txt |    save control file |
captex_setup.txt |    save setup file |